RISEN - Real-time on-site forensic trace qualification

logo of the EU H2020 project RISEN
© Project RISEN

While time is an important factor for successful outcome of the crime investigation, the traditional forensic examinations are usually time consuming. It can be very problematic when investigations are underway and quick results are needed. Traces must be detected on-site as soon as possible before they degrade and loose forensic information important for criminal investigation. The aim of the RISEN project is the development of a set of real-time contactless sensors for the optimization of the trace, detection, visualisation, identification and interpretation on site, with a consequent reduction of the time and resources in the laboratory.

Project RISEN will develop and demonstrate contactless, non-destructive, automated sensors to identify, select and label trace materials. Data will acquired in-situ and in real-time, processed and sent to a 3D augmented crime scene investigation system to produce an interactive 3D model of the scene with position and labelling of traces and relative results of the on-site analysis.

illustration of a crime scene with sensors analysing trace evidence
© Project RISEN


RISEN – Real-time on-site forensic trace qualification



2020 – 2024


European Union


Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA)


Work done by Fraunhofer IAF:

  • developing an ultra-broadband, fast, and easy to operate tool for the stand-off acquisition of mid-infrared fingerprint spectra from forensic-relevant samples
  • developing data processing algorithms in order to perform fine-resolution mid-infrared spectral discrimination within samples with spectral nearly identical features (e.g. to distinguish human from animal blood samples)
  • developing an optical dispersion compensation scheme in order to reduce the beam spot size and to maintain it over the whole spectral coverage of the system in order to obtain an excellent spatial scan accuracy at long distances

The final Fraunhofer IAF scanner will be easy to use, allowing proximity non-contact and stand-off detection up to a distance of 2 meters. The scanner will be as compact and robust to allow its use as a hand-held device but also to be easily integrated with the other scanner approaches from RISEN (e.g. on a tripod or on a robotic arm). Fraunhofer IAF will also support the training and trial sessions for law-enforcement agencies (LEAs).

Further information

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 883116.


Project webseite


More information on the project can be found on the project website: