ThoR - 5G and beyond

THz radio link with up to 100 Gbps transmission speed

The standardization of 5G NR, the first global standard for the next generation of mobile communications 5G, is nearly complete. Data traffic densities of several terabytes per second per square kilometer are being predicted. Connectioning to mobile telephones requires more and more mobile radio cells, each covering only a small area, to offer the requested high data rates to all users. Each of these cells has to be connected via a »backhaul« link to the data network of a mobile service provider. Fibre connections are not always a viable option. In the project »ThoR«, researchers from Europe and Japan, together with manufacturers and operators, meet the challenge to transfer these large amounts of data by means of THz radio links as backhaul into the core network of the mobile service providers.


Der höhere MThe higher millimeter-wave frequency range provides bandwidths of several GHz for backhaul and front haul connections at 5G +illimeterwellenfrequenzbereich bietet Bandbreiten mit mehrere GHz für Backhaul-und Fronthaulverbindungen bei 5G+.
The higher millimeter-wave frequency range provides bandwidths of several GHz for backhaul and front haul connections at 5G+.
Applications of Future THz Backhaul Links in Cellular Networks.
© TU Braunschweig
Applications of Future THz Backhaul Links in Cellular Networks.


Terahertz end-to-end wireless systems supporting ultra-high data Rate applications (ThoR)



2018 − 2021


Technische Universität Braunschweig


  • Information and Communications Technology in Japan (NICT)
  • Horizon 2020, the European Union’s Framework Programme for Research and Innovation


  • Creating a real operable solution for 200+ Gbps wireless P2P links at 300 GHz
  • Fabricating the circuits using state-of-the-art 35 nm gate length mHEMT technology
  • Conducting on-wafer measurements of the fabricated circuits to characterize the receivr and transmitter building blocks.
  • Designing, fabricating and characterizing the waveguide modules for the receiver and transmitter MMICs.
  • Designing a medium power amplifier for the 300 GHz transmitter.


This project has received funding from Horizon 2020, the European Union’s Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, under grant agreement No. 814523.
This project has received funding from Horizon 2020, the European Union’s Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, under grant agreement No. 814523.
ThoR has received funding from the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology in Japan (NICT)
ThoR has received funding from the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology in Japan (NICT)